Aggressive Behavior Policy

At Psychvisit, ensuring the safety and well-being of our patients, visitors, and staff is paramount. We maintain a zero-tolerance stance towards any form of aggressive behavior within our practice premises. This includes verbal abuse, threats, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence. Our policy outlines the procedures for handling and preventing such behaviors, in conjunction with our commitment to 24-hour video surveillance.

Definition of Aggressive Behavior:

Aggressive behavior encompasses any conduct that poses a threat to the safety, security, or well-being of individuals within Psychvisit. This includes:

  1. Verbal abuse: Use of derogatory language, insults, or offensive remarks.

  2. Threats: Expressions of intent to harm or cause damage to individuals or property.

  3. Harassment: Persistent actions or communication aimed at disturbing or intimidating others.

  4. Intimidation: Creating an atmosphere of fear or coercion through words or actions.

  5. Physical violence: Any act of physical aggression or assault against another person.

Expectations of Behavior:

All individuals present within Psychvisit are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and considerate manner. This applies to interactions with fellow patients, visitors, staff, and healthcare providers.

Consequences of Aggressive Behavior:

  1. Immediate Intervention: Upon observing aggressive behavior, Psychvisit staff will intervene promptly to ensure the safety of everyone involved. This may involve separation of parties, seeking assistance from security personnel, or contacting law enforcement if necessary.

  2. Termination of Services: Patients engaging in aggressive behavior may face immediate termination of their treatment or services at Psychvisit, at the discretion of the practice management and healthcare providers.

  3. Legal Action: Instances of physical violence or threats may result in legal action, including criminal charges and civil litigation.

  4. Notification to Authorities: Psychvisit reserves the right to notify relevant authorities, including law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies, in cases of serious threats or violence.

Reporting Aggressive Behavior:

Patients, visitors, and staff members are encouraged to report incidents of aggressive behavior promptly to Psychvisit management or designated staff members. Reports will be treated with confidentiality and investigated thoroughly.

Prevention Measures:

To prevent aggressive behavior within Psychvisit, we employ the following measures:

  1. 24-Hour Video Surveillance: Psychvisit maintains continuous video surveillance throughout its premises to deter and monitor any instances of aggressive behavior.

  2. Clear Communication: Providing clear expectations of behavior through signage, written policies, and verbal communication with all individuals present within Psychvisit.

  3. Training and Education: Providing staff members with training on de-escalation techniques, conflict resolution, and recognizing early signs of aggression.

  4. Security Measures: Implementing security protocols such as panic buttons and regular security patrols to ensure a safe environment.


Aggressive behavior is not tolerated within Psychvisit, and we are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all. Cooperation from patients, visitors, and staff in upholding these standards is greatly appreciated. Violations of this policy will be addressed swiftly and may result in termination of services and legal consequences.

Revised-4/14/24 Faisal Rafiq MD.